I hope that history lovers will forgive me for using the term "Thin Red Line" (mistakenly used for a tasteless movie about the Battle of Guadalcanal with Sean Penn while I refer to the 93rd Highlander's line of battle at the battle of Balaclava, in Crimea, in 1854) to present extraordinary planes, fine and red like the line of the Highlanders, seen in this superb museum of Vigna di Valle, in Italy.
Vous l'aurez compris, il s'agit de ces hydravions des années 20-30 de la Coupe Schneider, aux lignes si fines, déjà si modernes.
You will understand, these are seaplanes of the 20-30 years of the Schneider Cup, with such fine lines, already so modern.
Macchi M-39
Fiat C.29
Macchi M-67
Macchi MC.72
Museo Dell’Aeronautica Militare
Museo Dell'Aeronautica Militare - Part 2
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