mardi 27 octobre 2015

La nouvelle collection Chaubet - The new Chaubet collection

La nouvelle collection Automne-Hiver de M. Chaubet - The new Autumn-Winter collection of Mr. Chaubet

Sud-Aviation Alouette III

Piasecki-Vertol H-21 Shawnee

Piasecki HUP-2

Nakajima B5N "Kate"

2 commentaires:

  1. How much do you sell your Nakajima B5N "Kate" for if I were to order 4 of them for delivery to either the USA or to Malaysia?

    1. Thank you for your interest.
      But, given the difficulty of creating a collection, that I hope to see it grow, I do not sell yet my models.
      Concerning Ventura and Kate, they were made by Mr. Chaubet, which is a much better painter than me.
      You have the address of his site in the manufacturers links.
      Do not hesitate to inform me if you have difficulty to reach him.
      Best regards
