mercredi 18 avril 2018

Wanaka Airshow 2018

Non, je ne suis pas encore rentré de Nouvelle Zélande, mais je profite d'un peu de temps libre pour vous faire un compte rendu sur le Warbirds Over Wanaka Airshow 2018.

Comme c'était le 30ème anniversaire de cet airshow, je n'ai pas lésiné : ticket Gold pour les 3 jours, qui donne droit en plus à une casquette en cadeau.... (je voulais le meilleur pour ma femme...).

No, I'm not back yet from New Zealand, but I enjoy some free time to make you a report about the Warbirds Over Wanaka Airshow 2018.

As it was the 30th anniversary of this airshow, I did not skimp : Gold ticket for the 3 days, which entitles you in addition to a cap as gift.... (nothing is good enough for my wife...).

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

Je ne vais pas citer ou montrer tous les avions présents, mais simplement les plus intéressants (à mon point de vue, très subjectif, c'est certain...)

Le vendredi, réservé aux tickets Gold et Silver, visite du statique pendant que les autres avions s'entrainent pour le show du week end.

I will not quote or show all the planes present, but simply the most interesting (in my point of view, very subjective, that's for sure...)

On Friday, reserved for the Gold and Silver tickets, visit of the static while the other planes train for the weekend show.

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

Beechcraft C17B "Staggerwing"
1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

Waco Classic YMF
1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

De Havilland Dragon Rapide / Dominie
1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

De Havilland DH.83 Fox Moth
1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

Un des nombreux Tiger Moth (on en reparlera plus tard) - One of the many Tiger Moth (we'll talk about it later)
1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

Véhicules militaires  - Military vehicles
1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

Quelques uns des nombreux T-6 Harvard - Some of the many T-6 Harvard
1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

Le vendredi après midi, le show se poursuivait sur le Lac Wanaka, avec un amerrissage de Catalina

On Friday afternoon, the show continued on the Lake Wanaka, with a sea landing of a Catalina

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

Suivent quelques photos du samedi et du dimanche.

Here are some pictures of Saturday and Sunday.

T-6 Harvard Show
1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

Do you recognize it ?
1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

Vampire, vampire !!!!
1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

A l'intérieur du Casa - Inside the Casa
1/144 diecast metal aircraft miniature Wanaka Air Show 2018

Et quelques films - And some movies

Et plein d'autres, voir le détail sur le site - And many others, see details on the website

Les trucs de Sir Peter - Sir Peter's stuff - Part 2
Les trucs de Sir Peter - Sir Peter's stuff - Part 1
Musées de Nouvelle Zélande - New Zeland Museums - Part 2
Musées de Nouvelle Zélande - New Zeland Museums
Wanaka museums